Monday, August 01, 2011

Anarchy in the UK?

Reposting this from my Google+ account:

This is a depressing notion:
Beware the Anarchists!
So now the Met, whose ethical and moral reputation is already doing really well after the News of the World scandal, are looking to clamp down on political ideologies they don't like.
For the record, I think anarchism is a moronic philosophy that would work about as well as communism (i.e. not at all), but to paint the idea and the people who subscribe to it as a threat? Well that's something else it now shares with communism - the McCarthy era communist witch hunts in America. That does feel like the road down which we're travelling with this new pronouncement and look how that turned out. It's not an example we should be keen to emulate.
A free, secular, multicultural society (which is what we want, surely) should not fear ideas and it should not have to fear its police.

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