Sunday, August 01, 2010

Maserati ownership – the first week

Well, it’s now been a whole week since I spent an hour on the train to Colne (in Lancashire) to go and pick up a blue Maserati 3200 GT.
It was sitting in the train station car park where the owner reluctantly handed over the keys.  The beast was now mine!
Coming from a Nissan 200SX, the Masser was a whole other kettle of fish.  The Nissan wasn’t short of power but this was so much more.  Actually quite intimidating (still is a bit).
Adjusting to the short throw gearbox and heavier clutch resulted in a fairly…jerky journey home.  Gear changes were a tad clunky to say the least!
Almost got stuck up a side street after my sat nav got a bit confused – had to read the manual to work out how to put it into reverse!

Took it out on the Sunday to try and get the hang of it, all good, started it up on Monday morning to go to work – engine management warning light shining like a beacon in the darkness of the dashboard.  And, as I discovered when I went to pull out of my drive, it was now limited to 3000 RPM.
Took the Nissan into the office for a couple of days whilst I tried to get a mechanic (with no luck, by the way), then decided to take the Masser in on Wed’s afternoon, getting used to short shifting.  Which actually is easier in the Masser than the Nissan – the extra torque of the V8 means the power picks up from quite low in the rev range.
And then on Thursday I went to drive home from work at lunchtime and…the light was gone.  No more warning light.  I have no idea why.
But at last, the engine could be unleashed!  Or at least it could have been if the low fuel warning light hadn’t come on. 
So I ended up driving like Miss. Daisy.  Not like I was driving Miss. Daisy, like I actually was Miss. Daisy learning to drive.  Might as well have been wearing a dress.  Low revs, barely tickling the throttle, watching the fuel gauge sink inexorably down.
I made it to Sainsbury’s though and now I have a fuelled up, functioning car!
Almost getting the hang of it now.  My gear changes still aren’t the smoothest but they’re a lot better and I’m getting used to using the extra torque instead of having to shift down like I did in the Nissan.  Still not sure I’ve got the ideal driving position and the elevated throttle pedal (relative to the Nissan) is making my foot ache a bit, but that aside it’s all good! 
Here’s hoping it continues…

Oh yeah, and it needs a new stereo that plays MP3s.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Art of the Cheese Toasty

This is a guide to creating that most sublime of snacks - the cheese toasty.
There are many who would ask why such a simple dish would need a guide.
Well, my sceptical friends, whilst it is true that a cheese toasty is not a complex thing, there are layers of subtlety and techniques that turn a toastie into a work of culinary art.
Just follow these simple steps and you too can become a Da Vinci of the toasty world.

Step 1 - Requirements
Ideally, you will have a griddle pan (although a frying pan should suffice)
And, of course, the ingredients for the sandwich itself

I'm going with simple cheddar and some Sainsbury's Warm & Spicy Tomato Chutney

Step 2 - Making the sandwich

Construct a normal sandwich
At this point, the family pet may start to take an interest...

Step 3 - The important bit

Once you have constructed the sandwich in the normal fashion, you need to butter the outside of it
I know, mad isn't it?

Now, while you're doing that, start heating up the griddle.  Should be on a medium heat, but be sure not to put any oil in (that's what the butter's for!)

Step 4 - Toasting the Toasty

Once the griddle has heated up, put the sandwich in, thusly...
Leave it sizzling away there for a minute or two, then carefully lift up a corner (I'd advise using a fish slice for this - there will be hotness) and see if the underside has toasted.  If not then leave it for a bit longer, but if it looks done then turn it over

Almost there!
Now we just have to wait for the other side to toast and we'll be done.
Check it after a minute or two to see if it's toasted.  If not, leave it a bit longer, but if it is done...

Step 5 - It's toasty time!

Remove from the griddle (not forgetting to turn the heat off) and serve with a beverage of your choice (I've gone with Sainsbury's Organic, Fair Trade coffee, because I am just that middle-class)
