Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm alright, Jack

A quickly hacked together poem I wrote about the plans of the current government and the attitudes of the people who support them.
And I wrote it when I should have been working - now that's fighting the power!

I’m alright, Jack

Benefits scroungers?
Everyone knows they’re all on the take!
Ill and disabled?
Do me a favour, most of it’s fake!

It’s a bleedin’ liberty,
All these layabouts takin’ our cash.
That ain’t why we (the Great British Public)
Keep payin’ our tax!

I blame those lazy foreigners,
Stealin’ our jobs and all on the dole.
Like bleedin’ Afghanistan round ‘ere,
But me? No, no, I’m not racist at all.

So what if she can’t feed ‘er kids,
‘er own fault for popping so many out,
She only done it so she could get the benefits,
And get set up in a lovely, big house.

All of those bankers,
I tell you mate, they’ve got it sorted.
Course their bonuses shouldn’t be taxed!
It’d only be used to pay for abortions.

The head of the company?
Oh he’s a proper gent.
It’s all in his wife’s name, of course.
Totally legit, mind, none of it’s bent.

All in it together,
We're all a part of the Big Society.
No more spongin' off the state,
You don't get nothing for free.

Not my responsibility,
Benefits gettin' cut back.
I’m workin' for my dosh,
So I’m alright, Jack.

But now I’ve been “outsourced”,
And I’ve come down with the gout!
What am I supposed to do now, guv?
Any chance you could bail me out?

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